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Minority Inclusion Limited (MIL) Limited is United Kingdom’s largest campaigner, formed to specifically target Minority Inclusion

MI - About Us

Minority Inclusion (MI) Limited specifically campaigns for Minority Inclusion. Tackling Minority exclusion is our job, our effort, and practice. We “Advocate For Minority Groups and aim to address the disparities that minority communities face in the United Kingdom when accessing services.

In reality, disparity applies to all races and requires concerted action to overcome. Government research and studies have shown that there are numerous factors contributing to the disparities. These include socio-economic background, educational failure, and family breakdown – the barriers also extend beyond ethnic minority groups. They found that a huge proportion of white people from deprived backgrounds continue to be left behind too. We strive to make sure that everyone in the country is able to achieve anything they want to achieve, no matter where they live or come from.

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Apart from Minority Advocacy, we are passionate about “Minority Financial Literacy” and “Digital Inclusion” for all.

We advocate for “Financial Literacy” because our everyday experiences involve finance in one way or another. Unfortunately, these are not taught properly in our early years in schools. Most parents expect their children to be taught Financial Literacy at schools like other school subjects. This unfortunately is not the case, and is generational. This lack is passed from one generation to the next and because parents were not taught Financial Literacy in school, they too are not able to pass on the financial knowledge their children need. 

This lack of financial knowledge is wreaking havoc in most families today, especially in minority groups. Minority Inclusion Ltd was formed to tackle this and other areas of disparity. We strive to help parents and educators draw more attention on the importance of essential Financial Knowledge in schools, and where possible at home too.  


Our “Digital Inclusion” causes address the importance of everyone in our community engaging in the digital world and not being excluded. We devoted a lot of time on this because it is imperative that we all have digital access. The devastating effect of digital exclusion is well known, it includes losing out on social connections, the inability to find jobs or be made aware of job opportunities, losing out on skills development and several health implications (mental and physical).

Everyone in our community should be able to access the digital world, have access to internet-enabled device (e.g. laptop, smart phone, PC and connectivity via Broadband, Mobile and/or WiFi hotspots) and have a level of digital literacy and skills to use and be able to access the internet.

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